Through the Green Door
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I'm so glad you are here!
Are you curious about what you will find through the green door?
My hope is that you'll find just what you've been looking for. Inspiration, information, & invitations to create the connections that matter most. Authentic connections with yourself, with people you care about, and with the world you want to impact.
Through the Green Door is a dynamic email community. I am committed to creating and sharing weekly emails with you in mind. Every time I sit down to write you a message I promise to include:
unique inspiration to help lift your spirits and help you Notice goodness.
top-shelf strategies to help you create the connections that matter most.
exclusive invitations and encouragement to be a part of this community and to live your best life

The green door is a symbol that there is something more to be experienced on the inside than what meets the eye. There's a prohibition of sorts happening in there. Dimming our lights is forbidden in this space (unless it's for ambience ;) So, if you are looking for a space were it is normal, and safe, and even encouraged for people to be seen and heard and SHINE BRIGHT. I sincerely hope you check it out.

If we were sitting down, with drinks in hands I'd love to ask you a million questions. I'd want to know all the things about your life and I am 100% confident that I'd find so much goodness to Notice about you.
Then I imagine that you would ask me to tell you about me and I'd be so excited to tell you.
I'd tell you that I am married to Carl and that we get to be the parents to 5 AMAZING humans.
I'd tell you about my businesses. My first business, The Noticed Network and the impact that we have had by helping literally an exponential number of people Notice the goodness in themselves and others. How over 100,000 people have been Noticed with a capital N and how that is changing the world.
Then if you were still curious I'd tell you about my second company, I AM Noticed. I'd want to fuss over my co-founder Jaime. She is AMAZING!!! Together we have created and grown a company that helps students, staff, and families create sustainable positive school culture Pre-K-12. It is so inspiring to witness the positive ripples that are being put out into the world because of this work. I AM Noticed programming and curriculum is supporting the whole education system preschoolers to superintendents. It is incredible!
Then if you still wanted to know more I would tell you about this lane of my professional life, Amy Johnson, CVO. I'm so energized by the opportunity to share life changing expertise with people and organizations on social media, and Through the Green Door email community.
Then I hope we would talk about how as part of this work I feel called to create a community where people don't feel like they have to apologize for shining bright. If you agreed with that sentiment, I'd tell you about Proximity, the online heart-centered speakeasy. I'd tell you that there is no light diming in our speakeasy -- unless it's for ambience. I'm sure you'd have a million questions and I'd try to answer all that I could and then I'd share with you how you can get the secret access code so you can join us.
Then I hope the conversation would shift back to you so that I would learn more about the things we have in common and the areas we are different, and we could see where natural collaboration and connection are meant to be. Most of all I'd be grateful for getting to connect with you!
I am a wife and a mom. I am an expert in intra- and inter-personal communication and relationship building. I am the owner of successful heart-centered businesses that are positively impacting the world in so many AMAZING ways. I am a visionary leader who loves to see ideation become reality. I am growing and learning every day. I love this journey and how far I have come. Every lesson that I've learned and wisdom I have acquired have become of great service.
I am a true Gemini, a manifester-generator, a ENFP, an enneagram 3, and a connector-maximizer. Strategic mindedness is my #1 energizer, but when it flips into over-drive it can cause a major case of analysis paralysis, and obviously I geek out on these types of assessments (and I have a problem with run on sentences LOL).
Since I was a little girl I have known the I want to love the whole world; so you can imagine I am a people person. I have had some really traumatic and painful things happen in my life. When we love big it makes sense that we feel big. I believe that emotions are meant to be felt and then converted into wisdom and that is what I have learned to do and model. I believe in real life positivity, and I believe that gratitude is what makes optimism sustainable. I love the complexity of life, and of how we can learn to navigate it.
There are so many aspects to our lives and it is an honor to get to share some of mine and have people trust me with some of theirs.
Thank you for taking the time to connect with me. I really would love to learn about you too! You can send me an email if you'd like and maybe we could meet with drinks in hands.